Below you’ll find some docmentation and our custom PowerBI connector for pulling data from Factbird into PowerBI.

There are currently two ways to connect to the Factbird API from PowerBI: Using our PowerBI connector or writing the queries directly in the Advanced Query Editor.

The PowerBI connector is great for previewing the available data, but if you need to build reports with dynamic time ranges, you’ll probably have to interact with the API directly. The PowerBI template below provides some examples on how to do that.


Blackbird Power BI Connector Guide.pdf


Blackbird Raw Excel.query.pq

Example PowerBI template that extracts all batches and stops for your lines in a given time period, as well as OEE for each day


Factbird Power BI service

Factbird can help customers with developing PowerBI reports. We have teamed up with Emendo Digital’s team of Data scientists who can help customizing your reports. See the catalog below for inspiration.

Factbird power BI_v2.0 - 06112023.pdf

Factbird power BI ppt v1 - catalogue_05102023.pdf