The default data ingress path for sensor data into the Factbird Cloud, is through AWS IoT using MQTT.

To enable data transmission directly to the Factbird cloud, two main requirements needs to be met:

The data is split into two major groups, "event" & "input" by the following definition:

Both types of data comes with some requirements & limitations on their data structure. For example, for both types it is required to provide a timestamp of when the event happened, or the data point was sampled. All timestamps are in UTC time zone with millisecond resolution.

In order to detect when a line is stopped as opposed to running, we require input data to be sent at a fairly regular interval, even if the value of the sensor has not changed since the last transmission. Usually this means that each time series value (input) should be sampled and sent at least every 30 seconds.

MQTT Topics

Input and Event data is to be sent to two different MQTT topics as described here:


Quality of Service (QoS)

The Factbird system is designed for a QoS of 1 (The broker/client will deliver the message at least once, with confirmation required). QoS 2 is currently not supported by AWS hence, we do also not support that. If using QoS 0 (The broker/client will deliver the message once, with no confirmation) that might result in data loss and hence strongly disregarded.

MQTT data scheme