Mass importing Stop Causes into Factbird:

This page will help you to import several stop causes into Factbird’s system. Instead of going into the system on the Register Stops page and adding one new stop cause manually, as seen in the bottom right corner below, indicated by a blue pen symbol:


It is instead possible to download our Excel template and write all stops in, in one go. In the sheet below, it is possible to see the columns required, along with a description of what needs to be added to each column.


⚠️ Keep in mind, that for Stop Cause Type, you must put one of the four options listed and write them the same way. This way, our system is able to register which stop type is being registered.

📂 Download the file below to start your stop cause import process. Once complete, please see the video below for more help.

Import Stops Template.xlsx

Update as of August 2023

📽️ Video Guide: