
We have an API Gateway endpoint, that accepts the batch data. Our standard endpoint, located at batch-import.factbird.com (for Private Cloud installations, the endpoint is batch-import.<tenant>.factbird.com)

Example cURL call:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \\
     -H 'x-api-key: xxxxxxXXXXXXXxxxxxxxXXXXXXxxxxxxx' \\
     '<https://batch-import.factbird.com/test-file.xml>' \\
     -d '<batch><product>....</batch>' # XML contents here

The above call will send the XML data to our API Gateway endpoint, which then validates the API key and puts the object in the correct S3 bucket.

The following parts should change according to your need:

Batch XML Format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!-- If not relevant, create a static packaging and put it here -->
            <packagingExternalId>Generic</packagingExternalId> <!-- Used to match packaging -->
        <productExternalId>000000000000103262</productExternalId> <!-- The product SKU/number, used to match product -->
        <productName>Magic Pill 10 MG BLIST 14 TAB DRY TEST</productName>
        <validatedSpeed>200</validatedSpeed> <!-- Optional -->
        <expectedLineSpeed>150</expectedLineSpeed> <!-- Optional -->
    <externalLineId>640-6-1</externalLineId> <!-- ID of the line (you can find this in Factbird under Administration -> Line -> Identifier) -->
    <batchNumber>000001005302</batchNumber> <!-- The batch/PO number, Used to match batch -->
    <plannedStart>2019-03-19T11:38:48.000Z</plannedStart> <!-- Optional time as ISO string -->
    <actualStart>2019-05-13T08:38:00.000Z</actualStart> <!-- Optional time as ISO string -->
    <actualStop>2019-05-13T08:38:00.000Z</actualStop> <!-- Optional time as ISO string -->
    <comment>Batch comment</comment> <!-- Optional -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

