With a manual scrap counter you can add manual scrap counting to your automatic sensor-based lines.

The image below shows an example of a sensor-based line where a manual scrap counter has been added on top:

Skærmbillede 2024-03-14 kl. 14.39.11.png

Setting up a manual scrap counter

  1. Go to Administration > Devices. Find your virtual device by searching for “virtual”. If you don’t see one, contact your local sales person to get one.

Open the virtual device by clicking on it:

Skærmbillede 2024-03-14 kl. 14.44.55.png

  1. Create a sensor on the device. Wait about 60 seconds for the sensor to be created (refresh the page)

Skærmbillede 2024-03-14 kl. 14.49.55.png

  1. Once created, you should see your new scrap counter as a sensor:

Skærmbillede 2024-03-14 kl. 15.00.00.png

  1. To add the scrap counter to a line, go to the line and open up line settings:

Skærmbillede 2024-03-14 kl. 15.01.26.png

  1. Find the new sensor and add it as an “additional sensor” by pressing it:

Skærmbillede 2024-03-14 kl. 15.02.47.png

  1. Specify the scrap sensor placement relative to the bottleneck sensor. If you do not specify a placement, the sensor values will not be counted as scrap on the line. Think: Where are you scrapping on the line - is it before or after the bottleneck counter?

Skærmbillede 2024-03-14 kl. 15.14.25.png

  1. Save the line settings and go the register stops tab. Here you should see the new scrap counter.